2023 He Jingru

He Jingru

Redress Design Award 2023 Semi-FINALIST


He Jingru is a Semi-finalist of the Redress Design Award 2023. She has studied fashion trends, high-performance materials, and sportswear accessories design at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology.

“I want to prolong the lifespan of fashion products through modular design so that I can realise the sustainable development of the fashion industry from a design perspective.” – He Jingru

redress Design Award Collection

Jingru’s Redress Design Award collection, ‘Isolated Space’, draws inspiration from the partitions used in canteens to prevent the spread of COVID-19. With this concept in mind, she transforms 3D objects into 2D using traditional Japanese patchwork techniques. Using a modular design, Jingru cuts 100% cotton rags made from cut-and-sew waste and unsold clothing waste into identical unit shapes that can be disassembled and reassembled, allowing for different combinations and thereby extending the life cycle of each item as well as its eventual recyclability.


Mainland China

 Upcycling, Reconstruction
