2023 Jessica Horton

Jessica Horton

Redress Design Award 2023 Semi-FINALIST


Jessica Horton is a Semi-finalist of the Redress Design Award 2023. She holds a BA (Hons) in Fashion Design from Arts University Bournemouth, UK.

“We are in a climate emergency and the current industry is not moving fast enough to curb emissions. Sustainability should lead the design process, rather than become an after-thought or quota.” – Jessica Horton

redress Design Award Collection

Jessica’s Redress Design Award collection, ‘Biophilia’, is an exploration of the natural fibres historically used for outdoor work garments but realised in a more luxury fashion context. The zero-waste jumper is knit by hand from a vintage 100% wool yarn cone sourced secondhand, and the balaclava is knit with surplus yarn. Jessica also incorporates a secondhand vintage cotton parachute into wide pants and a skirt, adjustable with the parachute cords attached. Labels with QR codes on the garments direct consumers to her website, where they can learn more about each piece, including how to repair them at home, thus increasing their longevity.


United Kingdom

Upcycling, Reconstruction, Zero-waste
