2020 Bianca Ferri Marini

Bianca Ferri Marini

Redress Design Award 2020 Semi-FINALIST


Bianca Ferri Marini is a semi-finalist of the Redress Design Award 2020. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design from Accademia Italiana di arte, moda e design, Italy. She previously worked as a costume designer assistant at LUX VIDE.

“Sustainable fashion to me represents hope.  As a designer, I want to be a part of the change in the industry and raise my voice, turning old garments into something beautiful and new. Being aware is the first step - action must be the next!” - Bianca Ferri Marini

redress Design Award Collection

For her Redress Design Award Collection, Organic Camouflage, Bianca draws inspiration from the contrast between military uniforms and organic prints, representing all the negativity that stained the human spirit and seduced men into fighting amongst themselves. She applies the design techniques of up-cycling and reconstruction to old military uniforms collected from retired Italian soldiers as well as cut-and-sew waste from her previous collection adding natural prints to give these  relics a new life.


Headshot_(Bianca Ferri Marini)_(Organic Camouflage) - Bianca Ferri Marini.jpg


Up-cycling, Reconstruction
