2024 Tiger Chung

Tiger Chung

Redress Design Award 2024 finalist


Tiger Chung is a Finalist of the Redress Design Award 2024. They hold a BA (Hons) in Fashion Design from Nottingham Trent University, and a Higher Diploma in Fashion Design from Hong Kong Design Institute.

“I focus on a people-centric approach to clothing, believing that people wear clothes, not the other way around." – Tiger Chung

redress Design Award Collection

Tiger’s Redress Design Award collection, ‘The Wanderer/無依者’, is a reflection on the wealth disparity in fashion, and is inspired by the unique clothing and lifestyles of ‘street wanderers’. The collection uses upcycled materials including commonly discarded items such as towels and curtains from hotels, felt from airports, car seat covers, and discarded sofas and mattresses, which ensures a stable supply of materials while creating solutions for waste. For patterns, they consider not only aesthetics, which they believe is one of the most important factors for consumers, but also versatility and practicality.


Hong Kong


Gender neutral