Redress Design Award 2023 Digital Magazine Content List

Posts in Finalists
Pavneet Kaur

“It’s always been exciting to work with waste, exploring different innovative design solutions that challenge traditional practices and inspire a more conscious approach to fashion consumption.” – Pavneet Kaur

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Nils Hauser

“Sustainability to me means finding ways to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Creating beautiful clothes should not have to come with the downside of polluting the planet.” – Nils Hauser

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Molly Ryan

“I see myself as part of a groundswell of up-and-coming designers who [see] the exciting possibilities that arise from working with the anonymous detritus of material culture.” – Molly Ryan

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Kim Yanghun

“I would like to contribute to sustainability by using recyclable materials with new technologies or methods. The design that has originality and sustainability can live long.” – Kim Yanghun

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