
Collections on the road


Following a showcase at Première Vision, Paris at the Eastman Naia™ stand and exhibitions at Kerry Hotel and Hysan Place in Hong Kong this November, our Redress Design Award 2019 finalists collections are on the move again and will be on display with partner Fashion For Good in Amsterdam this December 2019. To kick off the exhibition held in this fantastic interactive museum space as part of their REBORN theme, there will be a launch event introduced by Fashion for Good’s Managing Director, Katrin Ley, followed by a panel discussion on sustainable fashion design and the competition with our Founder, Christina Dean and Redress Design Award Alumni, Anna Schuster - moderated by competition judge Marieke Eyskoot. 

To see the exhibition, head to Fashion for Good: 102 Rokin, 1012 KZ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dates: 12 December 2019 to 13 January 2020

Sign up to the launch event on 12th December here.

AlumniHannah Lane