
Redress Design Award 2020 Magazine

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What a year! With the global pandemic disrupting our plans for the 10th cycle of the Redress Design Award, and at the same time underlining the urgency for our work to transform fashion’s waste, our activities evolved to take place virtually, joining our finalists and audiences from their homes across the world to highlight the crisis. And a crisis is the perfect opportunity for our designers to innovate and disrupt fashion industry practices that are wreaking havoc on our planet's resources.

I am proud of all the finalists for bringing their visions and putting their bravery into their collections, sharing something so uplifting for us all and for giving us hope. Read on to explore the highlights of the Redress Design Award 2020 cycle, and learn about the significant positive impacts that we have made along the way.

Christina Dean, Founder, Redress


Explore our digital Redress Design Award 2020 Magazine content below for a round up of the 10th anniversary cycle, the latest from our alumni, along with features and resources on sustainability and circularity in fashion.


A note from Create Hong Kong

Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is delighted to be the lead sponsor of the competition since its first cycle. 


A big thanks to our generous partners who have helped us make this the Redress Design Award 2020 happen.

MagazineHannah Lane