Redress Design Award 2024 Digital Magazine Content List

Foreword - CCIDA

Congratulations to Redress for successfully organising the Redress Design Award 2024.

Being one of the world’s largest sustainable fashion design competitions since 2011, the annual Redress Design Award has been playing an active role in driving the growth of and people’s consciousness towards circular fashion, while demonstrating fashion designers’ creativity.

The Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA) is delighted to be the lead sponsor of the Redress Design Award again, with a view to providing a unique platform for up-and-coming fashion designers around the world to showcase their sustainable designs. 

We are glad to learn that this cycle has received a total of 445 applications from diverse talent, spanning 55 countries and regions including the first-time applications from Armenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Montenegro and Zimbabwe.  

Upon the restructuring of Create Hong Kong as the CCIDA in June 2024, we will proactively promote the development of arts, culture and creative sectors as industries under the industry-oriented principle.  Towards this end, we look forward to working closely with Redress to bring the competition to the next level that will foster the further development of circular fashion in Hong Kong and beyond to bring more business opportunities to our fashion designers. 

Last but not least, I would like to congratulate all the finalists and winners and wish you a prosperous future ahead.


Mr. Victor Tsang Chiu Hok, JP
Commissioner for Cultural and Creative Industries
Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency
Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hannah Lane